MBA Seminar at Harvard & Columbia University

The Ellacy’s Executive Seminars ’s Mission is to provide high-level English academic programs for students across the globe, utilizing the world's best universities, faculties as well as facilities. Our dynamic programs focus on improving students’ academic standing in diverse areas including
English, STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics), Law, Business Administration, Fashion, and Social Responsibilities. Our professional programs offer a balance of educational courses, cultural experiences, and trips across the United States.
Ellacy provides academic short-course programs at Yale (ESL and Arts, Summer Camp), Harvard (MBA Academy), Columbia (MBA Academy, Law). We emphasize academic learning and cultural exchange, and students learn from world-renowned Ivy League faculty, including active Ivy League Professors on campus.
We are the only academic camp with an emphasis on international diversity. Our students are from all over the world, including Vietnam, other Asian Countries, Middle East, Europe, Mexico, Brazil and USA.
We design our programs in consultation with top Ivy League professors, world-class educators, and social behavioral experts. Our programs are based on the most popular classes courses at Ivy League schools, taught by respected Ivy League faculty. Our workshops are some of the most dynamic in the summer program field, featuring a wide range of experts and topics. Students explore what America has to offer in our diverse range of field trips, visits, and evening activities.
MBA Seminar at Harvard, Columbia University
(2 weeks - 3 weeks at one of the most prestigious universities in the WORLD )
Program Summary
Join us for the MBA Academy at one of the world-leading universities such as Harvard or Columbia University with Ellacy in Spring or Summer! The program consists of 14 to 21 days of exciting classes, events, fantastic visits, and a grand tour of the East Coast. Learn and connect with faculty and other students in a stimulating and creative environment, where students improve their teamwork skills while working on practical and academic challenges.
Age group: 18+, University Students or Working Adults.
Program Features:
Get the elite Ivy League experience: students have full access to Harvard campus, classrooms, libraries, restaurants, and all amenities. campus academic atmosphere, full use of Harvard campus, classroom, library, restaurant, coffee lounge, green lawns and all other amenities.Have direct contact with Harvard’s higher education model.
Experience the American judicial system.
Visit nearby museums, galleries, beaches, sporting events, American shopping malls, and movie theaters.
All courses will be taught by Harvard University or Columbia University professors on their campus.
Networking Event with most successful partners at the heart of New York, the world’s Financial Center.
College admissions and educational experts will explain how to find the best match for your future American higher education.
The world’s top communication experts
Faculty will provide recommendation letters for your future undergraduate/graduate applications.
Experience the wonders of the Northeast: visit Boston, Wall Street, World Trade Center site, Statue of Liberty, United Nations Building, Times Square, Rockefeller Plaza, New York’s Fifth Avenue, Philadelphia, Independence Hall, Liberty Bell, Washington D.C., Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, White House, Capitol Hill, Harvard, MIT, and Niagara Falls.
Program Include:
Three meals a day on campus.
Live in Harvard or Columbia Dormitory. We can arrange luxury hotels upon request at your additional cost.
All class materials inclusive. Receive a certificate of completion.
Professor Fees
Insurance while on the event.
Pick up/Drop off from/to airport as a group
Facilities Fees